Save on transport
Fawic transport packaging is not only durable, but also lightweight. This means that the packaging not only lasts longer, but cheaper to transport.
All our reusable flightcases and containers are made of strong lightweight materials to help you reduce the cost of transportation. Their ingeniously demountable design, allows them to be returned in smaller volume.
Example saving on transport costs:
One of our clients has calculated how much he can save on transportation and packaging costs for regular shipments. This calculation was made on the basis of products with a volume of 70m3, packed in wooden crates.
Wooden boxes:
Cost of wooden boxes € 8500, –
Fawic FB20 set:
Cost effective and sustainable, FB20 kit costs about € 30.000, –
Fawic set using flat-pack return 1 case of approx. 12m3. (= Savings of return transport volume of 58m3)
Save on transport costs
The client calculated a breakeven point at 6 shipments.
12 shipments approx. € 27,000, –
24 shipments approx. € 52,000, –
36 shipments approx. € 77,000, –
48 shipments approx. € 102 000, –
Save on shipping costs
Would you like to save considerable on shipping costs? Taking in account your products and transport distances, we are able to help you calculate how much you can save on your transportation costs.